paypal fee calculator

PayPal Fee Calculator

Net Payment: 0.00
Total PayPal Fee: 0.00

Reverse PayPal Fee Calculator
To receive: 0.00
You should charge: 0.00
PayPal Fee would be: 0.00

How to Use the PayPal Fee Calculator

      1. Enter Payment Amount:
        • Input the amount in the “Payment Amount $” field.
      2. Select Transaction Type:
        • Choose the transaction type from the “Transaction Type” dropdown.
      3. Additional International Transaction Fee:
        • Check the box if the transaction includes an additional international fee.
      4. Set Custom Fees (Optional):
        • Enter custom fee percentages and fixed values in the “Set Your Own Fees” section.
      5. Additional Fees (Optional):
        • Enter any additional fees in the “Additional Fees 1” and “Additional Fees 2” sections.
      6. View Results:
        • “Net Payment” shows the amount you’ll receive.
        • “Total PayPal Fee” displays the total fee amount.
      7. Reverse PayPal Fee Calculator:
        • To determine the amount to charge to receive a specific amount:
          • Check the “To receive” amount.
          • The “You should charge” field shows the required charge.
          • “PayPal Fee would be” indicates the fee on the charged amount.
      8. Reset Calculator:
        • Click the “Reset Calculator” button to clear all fields.

About PayPal Fees

PayPal charges fees based on the transaction type and other factors. Here are the basic fee structures:

    • Invoicing, PayPal Checkout, Venmo: 3.49% + $0.49
    • Credit and Debit Cards: 2.99% + $0.49
    • Goods and Services, Donations: 2.89% + $0.49
    • Charity: 1.99% + $0.49
    • Micropayment: 4.99% + $0.09
    • PayPal Guest Checkout – American Express Payments: 3.5%
    • QR code – $10.01 and above: 1.9% + $0.10
    • QR code – $10 and below: 2.4% + $0.05
    • Additional International Transaction Fee: 1.5%

For a complete list of fees, visit the official PayPal website.