Decimal to Feet and Inches Calculator

Decimal to Feet and Inches Calculator

Imperial Units Metric Units

How to Use the Decimal to Feet and Inches Calculator

Input Format

You can input measurements in various units, including mixed units and arithmetic operations. Examples:

  • Simple: 5 meters, 10 ft, 3.5 inches
  • Mixed: 6' 7", 10ft 5in
  • Fractions: 5' 3 1/2"
  • Add/Subtract: 5 meters + 10 ft, 6' 7" - 3 inches

Steps to Use the Calculator

  1. Enter the Measurement:
    • Type your measurement into the input box.
    • Examples:
      • 6' 7"
      • 10ft 5in
      • 5 meters
      • 3.5 inches
      • 5' 3 1/2"
      • 5 meters + 10 ft
      • 6' 7" - 3 inches
  2. Click Calculate:
    • Click the Calculate button to see the results.
  3. View Results:
    • Results will be displayed in different units:
      • Mixed Imperial: Miles, yards, feet, inches.
      • Mixed Metric: Kilometers, meters, centimeters, millimeters.
      • Inches: Decimal and fraction format.
      • Millimeters, Feet, Centimeters, Yards, Meters, Miles, Kilometers.
  4. Reset Calculator:
    • Click the Reset button to clear input and results.

Example Usage

  • Input: 6' 7"
  • Results:
    • Mixed Imperial: 0 mi 2 yd 0 ft 7.00 in
    • Mixed Metric: 0 km 2 m 0 cm 3.20 mm
    • Inches: 79.00 in (6' 7")
    • Millimeters: 2006.60 mm
    • Feet: 6.57 ft
    • Centimeters: 200.66 cm
    • Yards: 2.19 yd
    • Meters: 2.01 m
    • Miles: 0.001247 mi
    • Kilometers: 0.002007 km


  • Ensure input is correctly formatted to avoid errors.
  • The calculator handles fractional, decimal, mixed units, and arithmetic inputs.