inflation calculator

Inflation Calculator

- +
- +
Please enter years 1800-2024!

  The item would cost: $0.00
Price difference: $0.00
Cumulative price change: 0%
Average inflation rate: 0%
Inflation in year 0: 0%
Inflation in year 0: 0%

How to Use the Inflation Calculator

  1. Enter the item price in the “Item Cost” field (e.g., $2.00).
  2. Select the purchase year using the “+”/”-” buttons or enter it manually (e.g., 1920).
  3. Select the cost year using the “+”/”-” buttons or enter it manually (e.g., 2024).
  4. View the results displayed automatically, including the future cost, price difference, cumulative change, and average inflation rate.


  • Item Bought: 1920
  • Original Cost: $2.00
  • Cost Year: 2024
  • Result: The item will cost approximately $31.33 in 2024.

About the Inflation Data

The inflation data spans multiple historical series compiled by various sources and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). For instance:

  • 1800 to 1851: Index of Prices Paid by Vermont Farmers
  • 1851 to 1890: Consumer Price Index by Ethel D. Hoover
  • 1890 to 1912: Cost of Living Index by Albert Rees
  • 1913 to present: Consumer Price Index (CPI), with modern CPI data by the BLS

This calculator uses data from these series to estimate inflation rates.